MAMBO logo MAMBO & the MAMBO Toolbox MAMBO logo

Tutorial 4
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Welcome to the world of MAMBO, a software package for the modeling and analysis of multibody mechanisms. In this tutorial, you will learn how to build a MAMBO project from the bottom up.

You are expected to already recognize the different elements in the MAMBO application window and how to interact with these elements using the keyboard and your mouse. If you would like to review this information, please click on 'Tutorial 1' and/or 'Tutorial 2' in the list of available tutorials.

You are also expected to be familiar with ways to generate, analyze, and animate a time history for a MAMBO project through the optional interface elements and the project-specific windows in the MAMBO workspace. If you would like to review this information, please click on 'Tutorial 3' in the list of available tutorials.

You are also expected to be familiar with using the MAMBO toolbox for generating MAMBO geometry and motion descriptions. If you would like to review this information, please select the 'Toolbox Functions' link in the navigation frame at the top of this page.

To follow along this tutorial, start up MAMBO and a compatible computer-algebra software platform now. To load the MAMBO toolbox

with maple 16:
Note: The maple code is meant to be entered into a maple worksheet in Text mode (maple notation).

libname:=libname,"MAMBO Toolbox source directory";
currentdir("Output directory for .geo and .dyn files");

with mupad 5.6.0 (matlab R2011a):

PACKAGEPATH:="MAMBO Toolbox source directory", PACKAGEPATH:
WRITEPATH:="Output directory for .geo and .dyn files":

with mathematica 8.0:

Get["MAMBO Toolbox source directory/MamboToolbox.txt"];
Get["MAMBO Toolbox source directory/Format_m.txt"];
SetDirectory["Output directory for .geo and .dyn files"]; 

By clicking on the link below, you may download a zip archive containing MAMBO and the MAMBO toolbox source files to visualize the MAMBO project generated in this tutorial and regenerate visualization files using maple 16, mupad 5.6.0 (matlab R2011a), and mathematica 8.0 versions of the code found below. (zip file, 41.3 kb, January 5, 2013)

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